Just Label It – We Have a Right to Know

The campaign to require labeling of foods produced with genetic engineering is more powerful than ever. In early October a broad coalition of organizations (www.justlabelit.org) put the FDA and President Obama on notice that they will continue pressing their demand that such foods be labeled. Nearly 400 members of the “Just Label It – We Have a Right to Know” coalition represent millions of consumers, who overwhelmingly support labeling of GE foods (according to several surveys). Along with the National Cooperative Grocers Association and its 120 member food co-ops, coalition members include the Organic Trade Association, the American Nurses Association, Consumers Union, Consumer Federation of America, Physicians for Social Responsibility, numerous food companies, and many more. For a complete list, go to: http://justlabelit.org/about/partners. Consumers and scientists have many reasons for being concerned about the long-term health effects of GE foods. Those concerns continue to be debated; the Just Label It campaign asserts our right to know. Foods most like to be genetically engineered foods containing corn, soy, canola and cotton seed oil. Meanwhile, the biotech industry’s dirty tricks are exposed in a new documentary film, “Scientists Under Attack,” also released in early October. The 60-minute production, by German director Bertram Verhaag and Denkmal Films, details the attacks on a Berkeley professor and a top European scientist – both had researched the safety of GE foods and found serious problems. For more information, contact the Institute for Responsible Technology, where you can view a trailer and order a copy of the film: [email protected].