Robynn Shrader Elected to Board of National Banking Co-op

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In April 2009, Robynn Shrader, chief executive officer for National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA), was elected to the board of directors of NCB, a national banking cooperative dedicated to strengthening communities through the delivery of banking and financial services, with an emphasis on cooperative expansion and economic development. NCB focuses on industries that support vibrant communities: housing, education, health care, ­cultural centers, local businesses, natural food cooperative grocers and social services. Shrader will serve through 2012 and joins the 13 other board members in providing strategic direction and leadership counsel.

Shrader has 20 years of experience in cooperative marketing, brand management and organizational development. She was the first staff person of NCGA during its formation and development, and she led the organization to its current status as a national association with nearly 40 staff positions in 10 states and the District of Columbia.

Shrader also represents food co-ops within the National Organic Coalition, is a director of New Pioneer Cooperative in the Iowa City area, and was named one of the “Top Women in ­Grocery” by Progressive Grocer magazine in 2007.